
Birth – Age 4 Programs

The following program operates within our school.

Launching into Learning - for children birth to 4 years:

Pre-Kinder - for children who will be attending Kindergarten in the following year.  Pre-Kinder is held in the Kinder rooms in Groom Street. Parents will be notified when this begins for students starting Kinder in 2026.


Contact our school office on 63767100 for information on any Birth to 4 programs.

Trade Training Centre

The Break O'Day Trade Training Centre is a purpose built facility providing schools, Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) and industry leaders access to an industry - standard training facility, enabling VET delivery to senior school students and adult learners in our community.

The facility provides opportunity for practical hands-on learning and has the perfect space and equipment for your next training session or meeting.

Facility hire is available to all 7 days a week. Interested in hiring the facility or accessing a course locally?

Contact Cate Ritchie, Break O’Day Trade Training Centre Co-ordinator on 63767160 or  to explore how we can assist you.

Need further information on TTC’s? Visit the Department of Children and Young People website.